This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was designed using as main baseline the Communities of Practice carried out in the context of the Pro PALOP-TL SCI, the EU-funded UNDP multi-country south-south and triangular cooperation Programme for consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFM) in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Timor-Leste). These Communities of Practice gather annually PFM state and non-state actors from the PALOP-TL countries (plus Brazil and Portugal) to exchange experiences and share best practices on good management of Public Finances, budget transparency and accountability.
The course focuses on the role of parliaments and Supreme Audit Institutions (SICs) in parliamentary oversight and external control (audit) of public accounts and expenditures, but also on the emerging involvement of civil society in monitoring these accounts and their impact on public policies. The four modules of the course explain financial management and the budget cycle, introduce the supreme audit institutions (ISC) and illustrate the relationship between parliaments and audit institutions in the PALOP and Timor-Leste.
INTER PARES provide courses that aim at strengthening the capacity of parliaments in partner countries, by enhancing their legislative, oversight, representative, budgetary and administrative functions.
The Agora eLearning courses are developed as within several years and their main goal is to fundamental knowledge in the field of parliamentary development.
Pro PALOP-TL SAI works on creating courses that address topics related to public financial management and aim at strenghtening the capacities of SAIs, Parliaments, Ministries of financies and CSOs.
Available courses
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is partially based on a Community of Practice organized in November 2015 on “Transparency and Accountability in Public Finances in Portuguese-speaking Countries”, in the context of the Pro PALOP-TL SAI, the EU-funded UNDP multi-country south-south and triangular cooperation Programme for consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFM) in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Timor-Leste). The course explores how parliaments and civil society can contribute for strengthening the transparency of public accounts and accountability in Public Finance Management. Providing citizens with meaningful opportunities to participate in budget processes allows governments to formulate budgets in a responsible and transparent manner. Open Budgets reflect the most pressing priorities and provide better opportunities for effective monitoring of budget implementation. The course explains the ways in which parliamentarians and citizens can participate in the budget process and demonstrates how the Executive can create opportunities for Parliament and citizens to engage in budget planning and execution.
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is partially based on the content of three High-Level Working Groups of PALOP-TL Parliamentary Budget Committees, organized in the context of the Pro PALOP-TL SAI, the EU-funded UNDP multi-country south-south and triangular cooperation Programme for consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFM) in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Timor-Leste).
The course analyzes how Parliaments, Supreme Audit Institutions and Civil Society Organizations can strengthen their capacities to ensure that countries have more inclusive, accountable and transparent public budgets for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. When held accountable, Governments plan and spend effectively reflecting the needs of citizens, in line with the SDG national targets.
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is partially based on the content of the 2015 PALOP-TL Supreme Audit Institutions’ Roundtable on the external audit of Extractive Industries and Great Public Works organized in the context of the Pro PALOP-TL SAI, the EU-funded UNDP multi-country south-south and triangular cooperation Programme for consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFM) in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Timor-Leste).
Extractive Industries can be a powerful engine of economic growth, but the extraction of non-renewable resources is linked to considerable political and economic risks. This course explores how Parliaments, SAIs and CSOs can promote inclusive, transparent and accountable natural resource management strategies that include appropriate risk management measures. It combines specialist thematic knowledge with best practices worldwide to provide parliamentarians and other actors responsible for oversight, including SAIs and civil society, with a set of tools for the transparent, independent and accountable management of projects in the extractive industry.
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) deals with the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on parliaments and parliamentary life, as well as strategies for dealing with the exposure that ICTs bring to the work and personal lives of parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. ICTs are a trigger for the openness, accessibility and accountability of parliaments. These technologies act as a two-way channel of interaction between parliament and citizens. ICT tools are not only transforming interpersonal communications, but also information sharing, the functioning of the workplace and forms of political mobilization around the world.
For Parliaments, ICT tools are an essential enabler of greater transparency, accessibility and accountability, as well as a two-way channel for citizen engagement. This course focuses on opportunities to make the institution of Parliament more effective, efficient, transparent and better equipped to reach out to citizens. The course was conceived in the context of the Pro PALOP-TL SAI, the EU-funded UNDP multi-country south-south and triangular cooperation Programme for consolidating Economic Governance and Public Finance Management Systems (PFM) in the PALOP-TL countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Príncipe, Timor-Leste).
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) uses the Pro PALOP-TL SAI Gender Responsive Budgeting and Oversight Standard Methodology. The methodology uses gender-responsive budgeting as a tool to enhance parliamentary oversight and social monitoring of public expenditures focusing on their impact on gender equality issues and policies.
The course familiarizes users with Gender-Responsive Budgeting and its application in the budgetary process, as well with best practices for mainstreaming gender into sustainable development plans and Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks.
The course content consists of several video-based lectures from renown professionals, who will share with you academic and practical knowledge about the socioeconomic impact of COVID19 & major disruptive events and what the public financial management response has been.
- Contexto Pro PALOP-TL ISC
- Fases do ciclo orçamental e kit
- Como aplicar critério PFC
- Monitoria OGE pelas OSC
O nosso curso de aprendizagem eletrónica sobre a Mesa Redonda de Industria Extrativa e Grandes Obras Públicas (Mesa Redonda de IE e FP) está agora disponível em Português no Portal de Aprendizagem Eletrónica. O curso foi elaborado pelo Projeto para o Reforço das Competências Técnicas e Funcionais das Instituições Superiores de Controlo (ISC), Parlamentos Nacionais e Sociedade Civil para o Controlo das Finanças Públicas nos PALOP e Timor-Leste (Pro PALOP-TL ISC). Este projeto é inteiramente financiado pela União Europeia e diretamente administrado pelo PNUD.
At the end of this course, learners will:
- Have a better grasp of what youth participation is and is not;
- Be familiar with existing models of youth participation;
- Understand what youth participation could look like across the core parliamentary functions.
This course was written by Lotte Geunis, Parliamentary Adviser at INTER PARES and PhD Fellow at Maastricht University.
At the end of this course, learners should have developed
- Understanding of the key societal changes that have affected representation in recent decades;
- Understanding of the key role played by modern parliaments in representation;
- Knowledge and understanding of the five core processes of representation;
- Ability to identify and critically evaluate examples of best practice in representation; and
- Ability to critically reflect on their own practices of representation.
This course was written by Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds.
At the end of this course, you will better understand:
Why we practice parliamentary oversight (theory)
What parliamentary oversight is and is not (the tools)
How parliamentary oversight is carried out (the practice)
The implications of parliamentary oversight (the politics)
Throughout, you will be able to explore a wide range of case studies from across Europe and beyond.
This course was written by Associate Professor Dr. Olivier Rozenberg, Sciences Po.
This course analyses procedures and practices of law-making in contemporary democracies.
- The first part places law-making among other parliamentary functions, underlining the close interrelationship and intertwining between the main features of the law-making process and the form of government.
- The second part is devoted to parliamentary procedures for law-making and is divided into two sections: (a1) a historical approach, exploring the main models adopted in the UK, France and US (respectively, the tThree rReadings in the UK; the “‘Bureaux System”’ in France; and the Permanent Specialized Committees in the US), and (b2) a section focusing on a key driver of the transformation of law-making procedures: the growing complexity of legislation (‘complexification’), a key factor that is transforming contemporary law-making procedures.
- The third and final part explores specific law-making practices through a comparative study of different jurisdictions.
This course was written by Professor Nicola Lupo, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali.
Legislation constitutes the product of a lengthy process, beginning from a policy concept and ending with the realisation of the desired regulatory results
The legislative drafting process is part of the legislative (law-making) process, which in turn is part of the policy (governance) process.
The course consists of 8 modules. Please click on the "Launch the learning module" in order to start the course
This course was written by Professor Helen Xanthaki, University College London, with the support of Dr. Maria Mousmouti and Dr. Constantin Stefanou.
- An overview of the core actors, institutions and processes involved in the budget process
- An understanding of the role of parliament in each of the four budget stages
- A snapshot of current trends in budgeting
- A wide range of case studies, to illustrate how parliaments today are approaching the budget process
Go to course
Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Understand why committees play an important role in parliamentary work;
- Understand international practices and procedures of parliamentary committee systems;
- Be able to critically assess committee systems’ internal design choices, depending on their own country context.
This course was written by Dr. Tim Mickler, Leiden University (the Netherlands).
Go to courseAt the end of this course, you will better understand:
- Why parliaments engage on climate change
- The (international) legal framework
- Parliamentary action on climate change
- Climate budgeting and climate finance
- Parliamentary practice on climate change
Throughout, you will be able to explore a wide range of case studies from across Europe and beyond.
The course consists of 5 modules. Please click on the "Launch the learning module" in order to start the course
This course was written by former MP (New Zealand) Dr. Kennedy Graham.
- Identify the key texts that outline gender sensitive parliamentary norms
- Identify, in their own parliamentary contexts, key decision makers and influencers that will support gender sensitive change
- Critically assess the merits and applicability to their own parliamentary context of gender sensitive changes that have been adopted elsewhere
- Design and defend a contextually-appropriate gender sensitive parliamentary change.
En los siete módulos del curso, se estudiarán:
- El origen y evolución de la técnica legislativa
- Las clases de normas de técnica legislativa
- La técnica legislativa en la tramitación parlamentaria de las leyes
- Los principios y reglas de la técnica legislativa
- Sobre contenido y estructura de la ley
- Sobre lenguaje legal
- Sobre inserción de la ley en el ordenamiento jurídico
Este curso fue escrito por la Dra. Piedad García-Escudero Márquez, Catedrática de Derecho Constitucional Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Letrada de las Cortes Generales.”
- Teacher: piedad garcia escudero
This course is a new version of the 'Parliaments in Practice: an Introduction' course with special focus on Myanmar
This course explores how parliaments can take more effective and
responsive action on climate change by strengthening their engagement
with civil society. Building on the many success stories and best
practices shared on AGORA’s Climate Portal, the course highlights
initiatives, strategies and new technologies that help parliamentarians
connect with the people they represent. Aimed at parliaments and civil
society, this course hopes to inspire stronger and more effective
collaboration on climate action.
This 'Parliaments in Practice: an Introduction' course is designed for legislators who are new to parliament, and for parliamentary staff, practitioners, donors, civil society organisations and others who want to learn about how parliament works.
Available in: English, Français, العربية , Русский, Português