INTER PARES | Parliaments in Partnership is the EU’s Global Programme to Strengthen the Capacity of Parliaments. INTER PARES will complement its in-person peer-to-peer exchange activities with online learning opportunities, hosted on the AGORA Portal.

The INTER PARES e-learning package comprises of six core courses (oversight; legislative drafting; comparative law-making; representation; budgeting and committee work) as well as a set of specialised courses, including gender and environmental protection and climate change.

At the end of this course, learners will:

  • Have a better grasp of what youth participation is and is not;
  • Be familiar with existing models of youth participation;
  • Understand what youth participation could look like across the core parliamentary functions.

This course was written by Lotte Geunis, Parliamentary Adviser at INTER PARES and PhD Fellow at Maastricht University.

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D’ici la fin de la formation, les participants doivent avoir acquis les éléments suivants:

  • Compréhension des changements sociétaux majeurs ayant affecté la représentation au cours des dernières décennies 
  • Compréhension du rôle clé qu’ont joué les Parlements contemporains dans la notion de représentation 
  • Connaissance et compréhension des cinq processus essentiels à la représentation 
  • Identification et évaluation critique d’exemples de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine de la représentation ; et
  • Réflexion critique de leurs propres pratiques de représentation.

Cette formation a été rédigée par le Professeur Cristina Leston-Bandeira de l’Université de Leeds.

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At the end of this course, you will better understand: 

  1. Why we practice parliamentary oversight (theory) 

  2. What parliamentary oversight is and is not (the tools) 

  3. How parliamentary oversight is carried out (the practice) 

  4. The implications of parliamentary oversight (the politics) 

Throughout, you will be able to explore a wide range of case studies from across Europe and beyond.  

This course was written by Associate Professor Dr. Olivier Rozenberg, Sciences Po.

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This course analyses procedures and practices of law-making in contemporary democracies.

  • The first part places law-making among other parliamentary functions, underlining the close interrelationship and intertwining between the main features of the law-making process and the form of government.
  • The second part is devoted to parliamentary procedures for law-making and is divided into two sections: (a1) a historical approach, exploring the main models adopted in the UK, France and US (respectively, the tThree rReadings in the UK; the “‘Bureaux System”’ in France; and the Permanent Specialized Committees in the US), and (b2) a section focusing on a key driver of the transformation of law-making procedures: the growing complexity of legislation (‘complexification’), a key factor that is transforming contemporary law-making procedures.
  • The third and final part explores specific law-making practices through a comparative study of different jurisdictions.

This course was written by Professor Nicola Lupo, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali.

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Legislation constitutes the product of a lengthy process, beginning from a policy concept and ending with the realisation of the desired regulatory results

The legislative drafting process is part of the legislative (law-making) process, which in turn is part of the policy (governance) process.

The course consists of 8 modules. Please click on the "Launch the learning module" in order to start the course

This course was written by Professor Helen Xanthaki, University College London, with the support of Dr. Maria Mousmouti and Dr. Constantin Stefanou.

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Le présent cours a pour objectif de fournir les bases, le vocabulaire, les outils et les exemples de « bonnes pratiques » nécessaires au personnel parlementaire dans différents contextes socio-économiques pour s'engager plus activement dans les questions de budget national.

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Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand why committees play an important role in parliamentary work;
  • Understand international practices and procedures of parliamentary committee systems;
  • Be able to critically assess committee systems’ internal design choices, depending on their own country context.

This course was written by Dr. Tim Mickler, Leiden University (the Netherlands).

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At the end of this course, you will better understand: 

  1. Why parliaments engage on climate change
  2. The (international) legal framework
  3. Parliamentary action on climate change
  4. Climate budgeting and climate finance
  5. Parliamentary practice on climate change

Throughout, you will be able to explore a wide range of case studies from across Europe and beyond.  

The course consists of 5 modules. Please click on the "Launch the learning module" in order to start the course

This course was written by former MP (New Zealand) Dr. Kennedy Graham.

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Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the key texts that outline gender sensitive parliamentary norms
  • Identify, in their own parliamentary contexts, key decision makers and influencers that will support gender sensitive change
  • Critically assess the merits and applicability to their own parliamentary context of gender sensitive changes that have been adopted elsewhere
  • Design and defend a contextually-appropriate gender sensitive parliamentary change.

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En los siete módulos del curso, se estudiarán:

  • El origen y evolución de la técnica legislativa
  • Las clases de normas de técnica legislativa
  • La técnica legislativa en la tramitación parlamentaria de las leyes
  • Los principios y reglas de la técnica legislativa
    - Sobre contenido y estructura de la ley
    - Sobre lenguaje legal
    - Sobre inserción de la ley en el ordenamiento jurídico

Este curso fue escrito por la Dra. Piedad García-Escudero Márquez, Catedrática de Derecho Constitucional Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Letrada de las Cortes Generales.”

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